The Honeymoon Is Over: My Dog is Showing Aggression!

The Honeymoon Is Over: My Dog is Showing Aggression! The Honeymoon Is Over: My Dog is Showing Aggression! Mammals possess 6 basic (and normal) emotions; one of these is fear. When a dog feels threatened, most will attempt to escape the situation (flight). But what if a dog’s fears escalate into aggression (fight) towards other dogs or even people? In this post, Fran Menley, our own Training & Behavior Modification Expert, gives you the basics about fear-based aggression. How Does Fear Lead to K9 Aggression? Fear lies behind most aggressive behavior. Contrary to popular belief, aggressive behavior is not always about dominance (pack status). Fear aggression has little to nothing to do with dominance and everything to do with an underlying fear(s) felt by the dog about their environment, people or other dogs/pets. Why Does Fear Lead to K9 Aggression? Image by Brett Hondow from Pixabay There are some basicRead more

The Honeymoon Is Over: My New Dog Is Always Hyper!

The Honeymoon Is Over: My New Dog Is Always Hyper! The Honeymoon Is Over: My New Dog Is Always Hyper! Image by Katrin B. from Pixabay It’s common – and even normal - for newly adopted dogs to display behavioral issues. From dogs that completely shut down to hyper-stimulated dogs, you can help your dog adjust to his new home! In this post, our very own Training & Behavior Modification Expert, Fran Menley takes a closer look at K9 hyper-stimulation. In our series, “HELP! The Honeymoon is Over with My New Dog!” we continue to examine common, but unwanted behaviors a newly adopted dog may begin to display in their new home. In this new post, we’ll give you a clearer understanding of K9 hyper-stimulation. Unwanted Behavior Does NOT Mean a Bad Dog As mentioned in our last blog post (dealing with K9 fear and anxiety), typically when an adoptedRead more

Help!  My Dog is Fearful, Anxious and Miserable!

Help! My Dog is Fearful, Anxious and Miserable! Help!   My Dog is Fearful, Anxious and Miserable! Image by Thomas B. from Pixabay As dogs adjust to their new home and people, it’s normal for common issues to arise like K9 anxiety. In this post, our own Training & Behavior Modification Expert, Fran Menley takes a closer look at this all-too-common behavior. Every day we see dogs come into our grooming shop, encounter them at the vet’s office or we meet them in their homes during a pet sitting introduction, they are scared and anxious beyond words.  We are considered foe and not friend!   How great would it be to see that dog have more a bit more confidence and not be frozen in fear in public.  Especially these older adopted or rescue dogs that we have no idea what their past is or what they have endured.  We see theseRead more

Does My Dog Really Feel Guilty?

Does My Dog Really Feel Guilty?   Image by damita118 from Pixabay It’s got a really fancy term (anthropomorphism), but it simply means projecting human characteristics onto a non-human entity (i.e., your dog). Let’s be honest, we all do it, but is it really in the best interest of our canines? Image by Denis Doukhan from Pixabay Psychology Today defines anthropomorphism as attributing “human behavior to animals.” But, do our dogs really experience life in the same way humans do? Or is it merely a natural attempt to better understand, relate and bond with our K9s using our own perspective of intent, motivations and emotions? Does your dog really feel guilt or shame over getting into the garbage, eating your couch or favorite pair of shoes? Is your dog really angry with you and ignoring you as “payback?” Or are they simply taking their cues from us and naturally reacting?Read more

How Dog DNA Tests Can Improve the Lives of Our Pets

How Dog DNA Tests Can Improve the Lives of Our Pets Muttly Mysteries: How Dog DNA Tests Can Improve the Lives of Our Pets If you own a mixed breed pup, you know that small talk at the dog park inevitably leads to breed speculation-- everyone offering their two cents. Maybe you’re the type to stick to your best, well-researched theory-- “we’re convinced she’s a swedish vallhund-polish lowland sheepdog mix…” or maybe you are content to shrug your shoulders because “who knows, he’s just a lovable mutt!” April 25th is National DNA Day-- honoring the discovery of the double helix in 1953-- so we’re celebrating by taking a closer look at canine genetics and how they may help us improve the lives of our pets. Deciphering your pup’s origin story is a fun and interesting way to understand their behavior, their needs, and their health. Even if your dog looksRead more

What to Expect When You Visit Our Pet Spa

What to Expect When You Visit Our Pet Spa We provide you a safe, clean, fun-filled setting to have a wonderful bonding experience for you and your pet Owned and operated by a former Veterinary Technician with over 30 years in the pet industry We provide options for pet bathing and pet grooming and we even provide grooming care and products for cats! We evaluate your pets during our check-in process to make sure we understand any health or personality issues which may affect your pet’s experience while in our care We also will ask you about allergy, itching or shedding issues and recommend remedies for those problems Our tagline is “Where We Love On Your Pets” and we mean it We would prefer to have your furry family members to have a better experience the first few visits so they learn to enjoy their grooming experience for their lifetimeRead more

Should Dog’s Ear Hair Be Plucked?

Should Dog’s Ear Hair Be Plucked? Should Dog’s Ear Hair Be Plucked? To Pluck or Not To Pluck! Should Dog’s Ear Hair Be Plucked? There is an ongoing debate about plucking dog’s ear hair.  Breeds such as poodles, Doodles, Bichon Frise and other breeds can grow hair in their ears.  Some breeders and veterinarians will recommend against this unless there is an issue.  We will talk about the issues that can arise with plucking and without.  Our general recommendations are to pluck the ear hair on a regular basis to avoid buildup of dirt & ear wax and it’s much easier on us and your pet to pluck a little ear hair then to wait and have a ton to try to remove at once.  Removing a lot of ear hair can create irritation and so our policy is that we are happy to do it but if you chooseRead more

5 Things to Help You Successfully Adopt a Dog

5 Things to Help You Successfully Adopt a Dog So You Want to Adopt a Dog? Read This First! Adding a dog to your home is a wonderful experience. Before you do though, there are a few things to consider to ensure you’re making the best choice for you and your new forever dog. It’s true; dogs offer us unconditional love and companionship. But they also come with added responsibility and commitment. Whichever dog you decide to adopt (a puppy or a senior, large or small); you will also be accepting the responsibility to provide them with the best quality of life through their entire life. So before you give in to those magical puppy eyes or sweet puppy breath, keep reading to make sure you’re prepared for the long-term commitment of dog ownership! 1)  What’s the Perfect Size for YOU? Unlike many other pets (cats, fish, hamsters, etc.), theRead more

Product Review: Colorado Hemp Honey

Product Review: Colorado Hemp Honey This blog post was originally published on We are sharing it here because it's awesome! What is Colorado Hemp Honey? Colorado Hemp Honey is a Colorado-based company that produces raw honey food by Frangiosa Farms at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Nick French, the owner of Colorado Hemp Honey, has been keeping bees since 2008. His farm has over 20 hives, in 6 apiaries in and around Denver, Colorado. Colorado Hemp Honey is a mix of honey, essential oils, and cannabinoid rich hemp that aids in health and wellness for both people and pets. How Can Hemp Honey Help My Pet? Raw honey can aid in many ailments. It can help with allergies, infections, and wound healing. It is naturally high in enzymes, antioxidants, and flavonoids. It can also kill resistant bacteria such as MRSA. But not all honey is created equal. RawRead more

Benefits of CBD Oil For Pets

Benefits of CBD Oil For Pets This blog post was originally published on We are sharing it here because it's awesome! As a dog groomer in Littleton, CO, our clients rely on us to not only keep their dogs looking great, they also rely on us for trusted advice on all things pet related and that includes the use of CBD Oil for pets. Since cannabis was legalized in Colorado for recreational use, we have educated ourselves on not only the safety of cannabis and pets but also the benefits. What is CBD Oil? CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of many compounds found in cannabis that are called cannabinoids.  The most commonly known cannabinoids are THC and CBD. CBD is non-psychoactive and does NOT cause a high. Therefore, it is used more for medical purposes with minimal side effects. The medicinal use of CBD is not only beneficial to humans,Read more