Dog Training Video Showcase

Your Dog will Love Scent Work

Your Dog will Love Scent Work

Nose work is enriching and a great mental exercise for you and your dog! Scent work benefits dogs by providing “brain games” and problem-solving as well as helps their desire to sniff, find, and helps to alleviate stress. Dogs that may be dog reactive, have physical limitations, or show signs of anxiety are perfect candidates along with those that need to burn extra energy. Let us help you learn how to make scent work part of your bonding time with your dog!

Teach Your New Puppy the Name Game

Teach Your New Puppy the Name Game

Make learning fun and exciting for your new puppy by teaching their name. This is the beginning steps of a recall . The Name Game can also be a tool to keep your puppy safe!

Wait Command

Pepper “Wait”

Teaching your pet to wait at doors is a great tool to create safety for pets and their people. “Door dashing” can quickly become a bad habit and can endanger your pets if they run out the front door. Start slow and be clear with instruction and this will be a great tool to teach your pet.

If you would like to get in touch with our dog training coach or see our upcoming dog training classes, dog health clinics or other pet related events please visit us @

Nose Work Part 1

Here is Nico being introduced to Nose Work. We have different items for him to find yummy treats. Fran is showing him where she is putting the rewards, he is on-leash and the containers are close together. As you advance, put the reward in less containers, move them farther apart as you see in our Nose Work Part 2 video.

If you would like to get in touch with our dog training coach or see our upcoming dog training classes, dog health clinics or other pet related events please visit us @

Nose Work Part 2

In this video, Nico has done this activity only about 4 times. He is learning to search for the reward, as you make it more challenging, spread out the containers and only put the reward in several containers. Make sure to give them lots of praise as they find the reward!

If you would like to get in touch with our dog training coach or see our upcoming dog training classes, dog health clinics or other pet related events please visit us @

Wait Command

Pepper “Wait”

Teaching your pet to wait at doors is a great tool to create safety for pets and their people. “Door dashing” can quickly become a bad habit and can endanger your pets if they run out the front door. Start slow and be clear with instruction and this will be a great tool to teach your pet.

If you would like to get in touch with our dog training coach or see our upcoming dog training classes, dog health clinics or other pet related events please visit us @

Adding “Spin” to Your Dog Training Toolbox

Adding “Spin” to Your Dog Training Toolbox

Teaching ‘Spin’ is a fun and easy dog trick that tend to enjoy, and it is easy if your pet is food motivated.  Make sure to teach both directions and point your finger downward, just like Fran suggests so you can easily move from a lure (high value treats that your pup loves) to a hand signal!

If you would like to get in touch with our dog training coach or see our upcoming dog training classes, dog health clinics or other pet related events please visit us @

Adding “Touch” to Your Dog Training Toolbox

Teaching Touch to your dog is the first step in training targeting. Targeting teaches your dog to touch a certain part of their body to a certain object (aka a target). Touch can help redirect your dog when they are distracted by outside people, places or things. Touch can engage your dog with you and disengage them from distractions. Touch also helps build confidence in unsure surroundings. Touch is also the first step in teaching your dog to do more advanced tasks such as turn on a light switch or alert you in dangerous situations like rattlesnake awareness.

If you would like to get in touch with our dog training coach or see our upcoming dog training classes, dog health clinics or other pet related events please visit us @

Touch Command and Clicker Training

8-month old Nico has mastered “touch” and now we are implementing the clicker into some of his training. Notice time of the “touch” and the clicker must be at the same time so it is clear to the dog what behavior is being rewarded.

If you would like to get in touch with our dog training coach or see our upcoming dog training classes, dog health clinics or other pet related events please visit us @

Even Old Dogs Love Nose Work

Sadie is a 13-year old mixed small breed and highly treat motivated, so she enjoys Nose Work. This shows that even old dogs, and small breeds can benefit from this type of work. Nose work builds confidence, problem solving and decreases anxiety!

If you would like to get in touch with our dog training coach or see our upcoming dog training classes, dog health clinics or other pet related events please visit us @

Training Dogs through Playing Games

Learn by Playing Makes Training Fun AND Useful! 

Maisel loves to play games.  Fran demonstrates “Middle”, “Place” and “Feet”.  

“Middle” is a fun, relationship-building that is also a “catch and release” game that dogs love!  It teaches your dog that coming close enough to you to be “caught” and handled is the most fun thing in the world and includes rewards! 

“Place” is also considered a “safety” game.  Teaching your dog to stay in “Place” whether you are answering the door or attending to something keeps them out of harm’s way. 

“Feet” is a beginning training tool for service dog work and can be useful for things such as having them put their feet on the edge of a car or tub to assist in entering.  Plan to use your training their entire life, even when they are old and can’t jump as well. 

If you would like to get in touch with our dog training coach or see our upcoming dog training classes, dog health clinics or other pet related events please visit us @

Train Dog to Take, Bring and Give

This is a tool that can be started in steps. As you can hear, Pepper has been taught to Take, Bring & Give different items. Using a clicker can help give you the marker for the exact behavior you are communicating to your dog. This is a great tool to teach dogs where their owners may be immobile or need help picking things up off of the floor and bringing them to you.

If you would like to get in touch with our dog training coach or see our upcoming dog training classes, dog health clinics or other pet related events please visit us @

Come and Stay

Bonding and Attention Games to Teach Dogs “Come” and “Stay” Teaching “Come” in the very beginning stages by rewarding them to come back for a treat! As your pet is successful most of the time, you can start with a stay and as you say the word “come” back up a couple of steps. Add distractions slowly and don’t advance too fast. You can go outside in the backyard, then front yard. Make sure you teach this slowly so that the bond & attention is on you and you don’t lose their attention to other things! Also teaching “Feet” by treating with a clicker when the appropriate behavior is shown. This can be started with just a piece of cardboard on the floor. These are great ways to increase focus, your bond with them and engage them both physically and mentally.

If you would like to get in touch with our dog training coach or see our upcoming dog training classes, dog health clinics or other pet related events please visit us @