Keep up Dog Training During the Holidays!

Keep up Dog Training During the Holidays
Keep up Dog Training During the Holidays! Keep up Dog Training During the Holidays! Ahh, it’s the holiday season with so much to do! But there’s one thing you MUST keep on your holiday list! In this post, Fran Menley offers tips on continuing your dog’s training despite the busyness of the season! Continuing with your canine’s training, regardless the time of year, is crucial to nurturing and reinforcing your bond with your dog, whether he’s a puppy or adult dog. While it may be tempting to slack off and take a break, a gap in your dog’s regular training can have disastrous consequences, especially during the holidays when we need to keep all our pets safe and happy. Consider for a moment the holidays through your dog’s eyes; LOTS of yummy smells and food, lights, music, candles, pretty gifts and snacks all within reach, not to mention all theRead more

How to Socialize Your Dog (Even Through Fear)

How to Socialize Your Dog (Even Through Fear) How to Socialize Your Dog (Even Through Fear) Image by LauraTara from Pixabay K9 socialization is a critical phase of your puppy’s life. In fact, it’s so important that it will set the tone for any and all interactions for the rest of their life. In this post, Fran Menley our Head Training & Behavior Modification Expert, explains how to properly socialize your canine even during periods of fear. Canine socialization is when a puppy develops important bonds and relationships in his world and learns how to act, react and behave with confidence (or not). Image by lauralucia from Pixabay Dr. Sophia Yin, an internationally recognized pioneer and expert in the field of animal behavior, defines the puppy’s sensitive period for socialization: “From about 3 weeks to about 3 months of age, puppies are primed for bonding to other animals and individuals,Read more

The Honeymoon Is Over: My Dog is Showing Aggression!

The Honeymoon Is Over: My Dog is Showing Aggression! The Honeymoon Is Over: My Dog is Showing Aggression! Mammals possess 6 basic (and normal) emotions; one of these is fear. When a dog feels threatened, most will attempt to escape the situation (flight). But what if a dog’s fears escalate into aggression (fight) towards other dogs or even people? In this post, Fran Menley, our own Training & Behavior Modification Expert, gives you the basics about fear-based aggression. How Does Fear Lead to K9 Aggression? Fear lies behind most aggressive behavior. Contrary to popular belief, aggressive behavior is not always about dominance (pack status). Fear aggression has little to nothing to do with dominance and everything to do with an underlying fear(s) felt by the dog about their environment, people or other dogs/pets. Why Does Fear Lead to K9 Aggression? Image by Brett Hondow from Pixabay There are some basicRead more

The Honeymoon Is Over: My New Dog Is Always Hyper!

The Honeymoon Is Over: My New Dog Is Always Hyper! The Honeymoon Is Over: My New Dog Is Always Hyper! Image by Katrin B. from Pixabay It’s common – and even normal - for newly adopted dogs to display behavioral issues. From dogs that completely shut down to hyper-stimulated dogs, you can help your dog adjust to his new home! In this post, our very own Training & Behavior Modification Expert, Fran Menley takes a closer look at K9 hyper-stimulation. In our series, “HELP! The Honeymoon is Over with My New Dog!” we continue to examine common, but unwanted behaviors a newly adopted dog may begin to display in their new home. In this new post, we’ll give you a clearer understanding of K9 hyper-stimulation. Unwanted Behavior Does NOT Mean a Bad Dog As mentioned in our last blog post (dealing with K9 fear and anxiety), typically when an adoptedRead more

Help!  My Dog is Fearful, Anxious and Miserable!

Help! My Dog is Fearful, Anxious and Miserable! Help!   My Dog is Fearful, Anxious and Miserable! Image by Thomas B. from Pixabay As dogs adjust to their new home and people, it’s normal for common issues to arise like K9 anxiety. In this post, our own Training & Behavior Modification Expert, Fran Menley takes a closer look at this all-too-common behavior. Every day we see dogs come into our grooming shop, encounter them at the vet’s office or we meet them in their homes during a pet sitting introduction, they are scared and anxious beyond words.  We are considered foe and not friend!   How great would it be to see that dog have more a bit more confidence and not be frozen in fear in public.  Especially these older adopted or rescue dogs that we have no idea what their past is or what they have endured.  We see theseRead more

HELP! The Honeymoon is Over with My New Dog!

The Honeymoon is Over with My New Dog
HELP! The Honeymoon is Over with My New Dog! Image by alitdesign on Pixabay Someone once said, “All good things must come to an end.” But before you give up on your new K9 family member, there IS help for Creating Your Forever Dog! It’s really not unusual for canine personalities and temperaments to slowly change and emerge as your new furry friend becomes comfortable in their new home (usually around weeks 3-6). Even humans tend to “push the envelope” once we feel safe and at ease in a new situation. Adult Dogs & Issues If you adopted an older dog from a shelter or rescue, you may actually begin to see the problems or issues that actually landed them into the shelter. Always inquire about a rescue dog’s history to understand the challenges you may be taking on when you take Fido home. In addition, if there was pastRead more