Keep up Dog Training During the Holidays!

Keep up Dog Training During the Holidays
Keep up Dog Training During the Holidays! Keep up Dog Training During the Holidays! Ahh, it’s the holiday season with so much to do! But there’s one thing you MUST keep on your holiday list! In this post, Fran Menley offers tips on continuing your dog’s training despite the busyness of the season! Continuing with your canine’s training, regardless the time of year, is crucial to nurturing and reinforcing your bond with your dog, whether he’s a puppy or adult dog. While it may be tempting to slack off and take a break, a gap in your dog’s regular training can have disastrous consequences, especially during the holidays when we need to keep all our pets safe and happy. Consider for a moment the holidays through your dog’s eyes; LOTS of yummy smells and food, lights, music, candles, pretty gifts and snacks all within reach, not to mention all theRead more